Darts is a game which many know exists, but there are a lot who don’t realise just how important it is, and how it contributes to the world of sports. In the fear that it may become a forgotten sport, this website is dedicated to spurring the interest in it that it deserves. Some of the topics that are highlighted here include the following.
The Beginning
Every sport has a beginning, although sometimes this can be unclear as to when it was. The post we have here about the origin of darts is most exciting and informative.
Game Play
For those who have never played the game of darts, the post here about this offers some basic tips on developing the skills which are necessary to play the game effectively. Some think that it may be easy and it is, but it still demands some practice at building the ability.
Dart Athletes
There are some good posts here which focus on well-known dart competitors. One is dedicated to the females, while the other focuses on the men. Both are interesting, and one shows how the women have struggled for rights to compete against the men.
Getting Into Darts
Those who want to get into darts need to know more about dart leagues, both on the amateur and professional level. There are a few posts here which are dedicated to this and will be a good starting point for those who are interested.
Sports Betting
Here we have provided general tips to make this even more fun, with some of the focus being put specifically on betting on darts.